(written at the Halloween Research/Write-a-thon)
Upon discovering the government’s plan to release R U CRAZEE 8 on the market as a new health food on October 31st, Georgia Peech realized that the main government plot is to get rid of the fat people! How could the government do that? Georgia herself wasn’t very skinny, but she didn’t consider herself fat, either. She discovered that the plan was to hire Hershey’s to hide this R U CRAZEE 8 in a special Hershey Kiss to be distributed to Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and Medical Weight Loss clinics all over the U.S. Georgia tried to release the information on her Facebook page, but before she could, the government agents descended on her home, dragged her away, and she was never seen again.
What a dull world this would be, Chris, if we were all the same scrawny size! Georgia Peech surely got what she deserved.